Project Process
I am often asked by people what I think when first discussing their project.
In my years as an interior designer I have learned that one thing is absolutely certain:
This is your project and you are building a place where you will want to spend quality time.
I think it is key that before we embark on a journey of discovery together that you have had the chance to consider the space and how you will use it before we engage.
…of course there is no right or wrong:
I have completed many projects and I am proud to have always produced results far in excess of what the client could dream of.
Many people assume interior design is expensive but nothing could be further from the truth.
You don’t have to spend lots of money on brand new schemes – just rearranging furniture and pictures can have a remarkable effect on a room.
Often it’s the utilisation of light which can create the most dramatic change.
Let me guide you through the transformation of your most treasured and personal spaces. Getting in touch is the simplest way to start the process to change how you live, work and play in your own surroundings.
Use the Contact page or give me a call.